


What was Moshe’s lamentation,

As he gazed upon the nation,

With misty eyes, in all directions,

What did he see, upon reflection?

I wonder what were his regrets,

What sadnesses did he possess,

Did he dwell upon the past,

His eyes upon his sorrows cast?

No plaint made he on what had been,

Not golden calf, nor meraglim’s sin,

Shepherd of Israel forty years,

Ripe with miracles, moist with tears.

Moshe pled for what comes next,

To with his people, this land to bless,

He yearned to see that bayis ne’eman,

That good mountain, and the Levanon.

God answered him and said, “Rav Lach”,

Like Moshe himself had told Korach,

You ask too much, now be content,

So Moshe stayed, and Yehoshuah went.

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Shabbos Chol HaMoed Sukkos