Haazinu/Shabbos Shuva


Haazinu/Shabbos Shuva

They aren’t a nation, a kingdom, or state,

They aren’t a people, with tales to relate,

They are a non-people, as Moshe’s song spoke,

They’re living for nothing, except to provoke.

They insist they are victims, which isn’t untrue,

They prey on each other, and blame it on you,

The nations support them, they fan up the coals,

And yet this non-people builds nothing but holes.

They’d rather be tools of a nation that lies,

Than give up their tunnels, and look to the skies,

Make homes for their families, see to their health,

They choose to do nothing but squander their wealth.

Is this the non-people, of which Moshe warned,

Who’ll be sent to attack us, if Torah we scorned,

Return… return… HaShem calls to us now,

The secret is tshuva, I just don’t know how.

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