


Those who live in cities,

Behind their walls secure,

Have less of an attachment,

To the dwellings they procure.

So if they sell their bayis,

They’ve but one year to redeem,

The Yovel doesn’t help them,

For so this parsha deems.

But one anointed by the soil,

Who tills the earth, who works the land,

His ancestral plot comes back to him,

When the Yovel is at hand.

In our day, there are few of us,

Sustained alone by crop or yield,

Who trust to rains and harvest,

Who dare go so far afield.

But the Torah seems to teach us,

Redemption ever is at hand,

If your brow is wet with holy sweat,

From planting in the land.

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Shabbos Chol HaMoed Sukkos