


We’re warned against those profane acts,

In Acharei Mos, but just the facts,

The list is repeated in Kedoshim,

But now set forth with harsh onshim.

From Rav Daniel Kalish my son brought down,

A truth so simple, yet profound:

Though love and firmness are a must,

What children need the most is trust.

Not speaking of their trust in us,

Though add that to our list of musts,

Their good behavior’s bound to stem,

From the trust they see we have in them.

We are as children to HaShem,

And the mitzvos, He trusts us with them,

But if we falter, although He’s kind,

He gives us reasons, Him to mind.

With firmness we are then corrected,

And since His trust is still detected,

We know that it’s yet in our might,

To be kedoshim in His sight.

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Shabbos Chol HaMoed Sukkos