


Moshe ascends Ha’Avarim (העברים),

Which is “m’aiver” (מעבר) HaYardain,

The mount we know as Har Nevo,

Okay, so "what’s in a name?”.

The Kli Yakar has one answer,

Due to the “averah” (עבירה) Moshe does,

He was never “ovair” (עובר) to his children,

A share of who he was.

Aaron did a nicer job,

At least from what we read,

He taught his sons their holy tasks,

His mantle he bequeathed.

Is it preferred to scale that mountain,

And your people’s future delve,

Or to gift who you are to your loved ones,

Who must, like Pinchas, make themselves?

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Shabbos Chol HaMoed Sukkos