


A dream that has not been interpreted,

Is like a letter that has not been read,

This is not something that I made up,

It is what Rav Chisda said.

What would have happened in Egypt,

If Pharaoh’s dream had remained hidden?

Would famine have come down to Egypt,

Along with our People, unbidden?

Mikeitz 2

Seven years of plenty,

Seven years of loss,

A goodly life in Goshen,

And then that life was lost.

A new Viceroy comes to Egypt,

From famine they are saved,

A new Pharaoh arises in Egypt,

And makes the Jews his slaves.

Yosef gathers up the harvests,

And stores them in the cities,

The Jews scour the land for straw,

And build Pharaoh’s treasure cities.

Yosef sells the grain for money,

And barters it for land,

The Mitzrim lose their independence,

They depend on Pharaoh’s hand.

The Jews buy their food with money,

And receive an open land,

But become the slaves of Pharaoh,

Their Eden turns to sand.

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