


There are things that are hidden,

And things that are known,

Things that we guess at,

And things that we're shown.

The hidden things God

Will reveal when He’s ready,

And the things He’s revealed,

Are to keep our path steady.

So stand today firmly,

In the Land you’ve been given,

On legs hewn from Torah,

And choose to be living.

Ki Savo


Ki Savo

Above the Valley of Shechem,

Two mountains stand on high,

An ancient altar on the higher one,

Shomronim dwell on the other side.

’Tis here that Yaakov Avinu returned,

From Esav’s grasp he came home,

Where Dina was taken against her will,

And avenged by Levi and Shimon.

’Tis here that Yosef HaTzaddik was brought,

After we returned from Mitzrayim,

To be buried in the kever assigned to him,

By the children of Menasheh and Efraim.

Still, echoes of brachas and klalos are heard,

Between Har Grizim and Eval,

And like a silent witness, 

That altar still stands,

And listens to it all.

Ki Seitze


Ki Seitzei

Remember to leave the best behind,

For you were once a slave,

And what no one wanted you might get,

If there were anything left to save.

Do not be like Amalek,

Who took advantage of the weary and blind,

Show care and respect for those in need,

Just like you, they’re one of Mine.




The nations now living in Eretz Canaan,

Worship idols, and not just a few.

Give their children to Molech,

Do abominable things,

That are forbidden for us to pursue.

Where God sets His hand, that’s where Justice is found,

And Justice is what you will do,

So take heed of your Prophets,

And Judges, and such,

And that’s how you’ll know what is true.




Too often we’re oblivious,

To what is wrong or right,

And sometimes we just want to do,

What seems good in our sight.

Blessings come when we show regard,

For what was taught to our Fathers and Mothers,

And give thanks and respect to Him above,

And show love for our sisters and brothers.

What brings a curse may not seem so wrong,

It may even seem good, in fact,

Like following dreamers whose words are not true,

Or roasting a plump Duchiphat.
