



The mitzvah of Para Adumah is given

Before the details of Tumas HaMes,

Just before Aharon and Miriam die,

At Har HaHor and Kadesh.


A well had appeared in Miriam’s zchus,

But she erred in the matter of speech,

Then Moshe, for water, strikes a rock,

To which he was commanded to speak?


Nachoshes is used for kapara again,

This time in the form of a snake,

The kesher between Nachoshes and Nachash

Is begging, here, for us to make.

Nachoshes is copper, and Nachash is snake,

And the word “Nichush” means a “guess”,

So perhaps second guessing, by a people or leader,

Results, without doubt, in a mess?

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Shabbos Chol HaMoed Sukkos