Shevi'i shel Pesach


Shevi’i shel Pesach

When HaShem did famous miracles,

Like the splitting of the Sea,

We knew that we’d seen something,

That otherwise could not be.

Because of that we sang a Song,

It came straight from our heart,

We danced and sang and beat our drums,

When we saw the waters part.

But miracles happen all the time,

Although they’re not so obvious,

We get used to “normal” wonders,

And to these we are oblivious.

The Sun comes up each morning,

The Moon and Stars each night,

A baby’s breath, so sweet and clear,

Most things turn out all right.

Shouldn’t we sing songs each time we see,

Our loving family gather?

And praise HaShem for little miracles,

For the things that really matter?

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