


One needs a wise heart,

To build a Mishkan,

Motivated and Inspired, as well.

One must learn how to build,

With all manner of things,

To create space for HaShem to dwell.

There must be room in your heart,

To create from the world

Of gashmius and physicality,

A Makom Kodesh inside of yourself,

Because that will become your reality.

So when you learn Chumash, Navi, or Gemora,

Take time to wonder and ponder,

How you will use these Kelim Kedoshim,

To build your own Mishkan tomorra’.

And learn with your hands,

To build objects of wood,

And of wool, and of skin, and of metal,

Because Middos of Heart, and of Hand, and of Love,

Were all special gifts of Bezalel.

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Shabbos Chol HaMoed Sukkos