Without the dark, there is no light,
There is no day, but for the night,
Lacking silence, could one hear a voice?
If no evil, would there be a choice?
Yaakov grasping Esav’s heel,
An epic struggle there revealed,
If Yetzer Tov, by Rah be served,
A sacred balance is preserved.
And so it was from the very start,
Esav and Yaakov, at birth, must part,
Yet in each soul, another twin,
Lay cloaked, a conundrum, deep within.
Hidden sparks in Esav’s bones,
Of Shamaya and Avtalyon,
An ember, dim, of Rebbe Meir,
The Kedushas Levi says was there.
In Yaakov, kernels of Lavan,
Not to conquer, but improve upon,
In all of Yitzchok’s generations,
Seeds of ruin, and salvation.