


They could have been a band of brothers,

Survivors of a world be-drowned,

But Shem alone, and not the others,

Was close to God, so upward bound.

Brotherly love is not, at the last,

Assurance of spirit in common,

For Yafet followed a middle path,

And Cham, he chose the bottom.

When Aaron and Moshe Rebbeinu synced,

We see a fraternal exception,

The credit belongs to Miriam, I think,

For a sister can disarm dissension.




- created again -

- formed of clay -

once more infused with

the breath of life

what choices shall we

make this time

- giving or taking -

- making or breaking -

- eternal life -

- or unrelenting struggle -

would we put down our pekele

if given the chance

or say “no thanks”

without our burdens

how can there be


V'Zos HaBracha/Simchas Torah


V'Zos HaBracha/Simchas Torah

East of the Jordan,

On a mountain in Gad,

Rest the footsteps of Moshe,

The last that he trod.

Not pillar, nor gravestone,

Has there been detected,

No stone, no matzevah,

Was ever erected.

Like Aaron his brother,

And Miriam, in death,

No tomb could suffice,

Once he drew his last breath.

No, he etched his own marker,

As was bound from his birth,

Upon tablets of stone,

Which he drew from the earth.

Shabbos Chol HaMoed Sukkos


Shabbos Chol HaMoed Sukkos

First comes an earthquake,

Then Gog and Magog,

Next Moshiach is coming,

Before we’re too old.

So recline in your Sukkah,

Be joyful and sing,

We’ll rely on HaShem,

As we wield David’s Sling.

As Yechezkel predicted,

Perhaps for our dor,

We will use those who hate us,

to mop up the floor.




the wings within which I am sheltered,

this bamboo roof, these fabric walls,

sunlight peeking through reed feathers,

shimmering, speckled, as it falls.

the encircling cloth veils and refines,

sun and starlight, smoothing,

what wings are these that envelope me,

whose quiet voice whispering, soothing?

by human hand erected, but a fluttering presence

alights within it, pinions unfolding,

a je ne sais quoi, an essence,

that the sukkah's dearly holding.

these wings are not for flying,

they are for embracing

the ones we love.

Yom Kippur/Shabbos


Yom Kippur/Shabbos

I used to be critical of Yonah

He flees from his mission

and his K’el

Avoids tshuva ’til he’s in the belly

 of a whale

Completes his assignment in a

half-hearted way

Pouts and sulks when he doesn’t

have a say

I used to be critical of Yonah

But he sounds just like me
