


Is it any wonder God conceals,

So much more than He reveals,

Awesome miracles, splitting seas,

Even these were not enough to please,

His Chosen People, when they left,

Then spurned His land, so were bereft.

Those revelations not understood,

Still shaped they gods of stone and wood,

So an amended covenant He seals:

“In the Land, you’ll have to fix your meals,

And hidden will be all My ways,

From then, until the end of days”.




Block of gold, cast into fire,

Aish kodesh, or a demon’s pyre,

Melted down, it takes a form,

Cooling now from hot to warm.

Good intentions, misdirected,

Somehow by the flames detected,

Hold beguiled in their sway,

A people that has lost its way.

Emerging from this conflagration,

Castings, which may shape a nation,

Sacred lamp, or calf enchanting,

Holy light, or spell incanting.

Hard for him to understand,

Assisted by a hidden hand,

From Moshe’s heart, by truth directed,

Shall this menorah be erected.




Nachshon, Eliav, and Netanel,

Shlumiel, Elitzur, Avidan,

Achiezer, Elyasaph, and Gamliel,

Pagiel, Elishama, Achira.

Wagons, wagons, by oxen pulled,

Rams, and sheep, and goats, and bulls,

Bowls and basins of silver wrought,

Golden ladles of incense brought.

Each Nasi’s gift the same, but not,

In each heart a different pshat,

Within each treasure they would bring,

The song that just that soul could sing.




So many things Shavuos brings,

Torah, brisim, wedding rings,

On this moed, I am bound to see,

Brachos raining down on me.




In the wilderness, we need order,

every shevet has its quarter,

Both in traveling and in resting,

to take its place without protesting.

We must be sure when we go forth,

east or west or south or north,

Who’s in front and who’s behind,

each in position as assigned.

But is there room for spontaneity,

in our enforced homogeneity,

Could it be that hard reality,

leaves no place for personality?

We must keep a careful balance,

‘tween our chiyuvim and our talents,

Each one a spark that must be free,

to illuminate the best in We.

Shabbos Chol HaMoed Sukkos