


Sprigs, and frond, and fruit, are wed,

‘Neath the sheltering wings of the Sukkah,

We dwell for now in our Father’s home,

Nursed by His love and succor.

Ahavah is the leaf that binds us,

But Yirah is the hand that ties,

Even on Shabbos, He waves us,

Our hearts, our limbs, our minds.

You will be ours, and we’ll be Yours,

As we navigate the year before us,

And we’ll try to sing, with perfect pitch,

In harmony with Your chorus.




Tree and Stone,

Blade and Leaf,

Sun, Moon, and Stars.

These are the witnesses

I call upon.

Such are the אוזניים that hear.

 These are the מאזני צדק

That will testify to the

Honesty of the weights

Used in Judgment.

Adjusted, as necessary,

With a wink,

And a loving thumb,

In the right place.

Rosh HaShanah


Rosh HaShanah

The highest praise we find for him,

That the Torah can bestow,

Is that Avraham Avinu’s eldest son,

Was skilled with arrow and bow.

What is the point in stating this,

So “damning with faint praise”,

And selecting this for emphasis,

On one of our holiest days?

Could this be to encourage us?

For in Judgement, it suggests,

He’ll praise us just like Yishmael,

For every small success.






he will neither release

nor forsake

he loved us before

he will love us later


though we witness the past

and hope for the future

in each blink of an eye

He sanctifies both



it is only in the now

that, like for Him

time becomes

for us



this ephemeral fertile moment

the umbilicus

through which

what was, and what will be

bear fruit
