


Once the angel has departed

What has the man become?

The donkey has been given speech,

The man has been

Struck dumb.




Mystery of Mysteries

a thought proposed audaciously:

That soul had left, all that remained

a klipa lying coldly

A soul it touched, yearns to return

as well, back to the holy

Take now one para adumah

for sacred physicality

Include some hyssop branches

reminiscent of humility

Next take fragrant cedarwood

prideful, noble, lofty

Add scarlet silk from crimson worms

to elevate the lowly

Reduce it all to smoking ash

blend with waters live and holy

This elixir proves a cleansing balm

soothing, scented, rosy

Sprinkle now the one who chanced

to touch a soul-less body

A dew that moistens earthly husks

neshama now sighs softly

The one who sprinkled tainted now

awaits renewal humbly.




“Rav Lachem” you say to me,

“Rav Lachem” you say?

“Rav LaCHEM”, Bnei Levi,

To speak to me this way!

Where were you at Har Sinai,

When I stayed the Maker’s hand?

Where were you when the Meraglim spoke,

That was your time to stand.

You open up your mouth with scorn,

You claim a right by birth,

Indeed, a mouth shall open up,

And trap you in the earth.

And on that note, Bnei Levi,

That’s the only ground you’ll merit,

A village here, a village there,

That’s the birthright you’ll inherit.

So be content, my kinsmen,

With your elevated status,

To bear the kelim of the mishkan,

And sing the Ein Sof’s praises.




I can’t believe there were so few,

Who thought to take a broader view,

To choose to follow Moshe’s lead,

Thus Calev and Yehoshua heed.

If only more had stood and said,

We trust Y’shua and Calev,

Relying on G-d’s outstretched arm,

To shield them from all hurt and harm.

If only they had raised their voice,

Those who saw the wiser choice,

How many votes would it have taken

To outpoll those who were mistaken?
