


It’s time that we look back upon,

The places where we’ve been,

The lessons that we’ve learned from them,

The sparks that hid therein.

First we came to Midbar Sin,

Then reached Midbar Sin-ai,

And the journey ends in Midbar Tzin,

They sound similar, but why?

Does each wilderness have what to teach,

From a slightly different frame?

Or is it we who’ve been transformed,

So the message seems to change?




It’s payback time for Midian,

This is Moshe’s curtain call,

Though they’re of the blood of Yisro,

It is by the sword they’ll fall.

We spared the young men and the women,

Then were rebuked for this mistake,

Which echoes down to King Shaul,

In Israel’s war with Amalek.

Did Zipporah live to see this,

A Midian-ess by birth?

Or was she spared this final grief,

And rested in the earth?




Korach’s son’s will live on,

To bless us with song,

As we’re makriv korban and libation.

And Pinchas, with love,

By a word from Above,

Embraces his priestly vocation.

Now it’s just Yehoshuah,

And Calev ben Yephunah,

Who remain from the Dor HaMidbar.

So the path is now clear,

To approach without fear,

The land Moshe eyes from afar.




Avraham was instructed “Lech Lecha”,

Was this really a command?

Moshe was advised “Shelach Lecha”,

Was the decision in his hands?

Bilaam was instructed “Kum Lech”,

And he responded with “get up and go”,

Was this an order or an option?

Now, how is one to know?

They say HaShem will aid you,

In the way you want to travel,

But reconsider your direction,

Should your best laid plans unravel.
