


A child will love a father,

And the father must try to earn it,

The child observes his character traits,

From his example the child will learn it.

It’s a bit different with Am Yisrael,

Kedusha is the model before it,

Though our father’s love will never fail,

Becoming kodesh is how we’ll deserve it.

Shevi'i shel Peasch (From the River to the Sea)


Shevi’i shel Pesach

(From the River to the Sea)

There is a garden that’s waiting for you,

Where you will at last live free,

Beyond the waves and the wilderness dry,

From the River to the Sea.

The exile of Egypt has come to an end,

As my first born you shall be,

A fruitful land is waiting for us,

From the River to the Sea.

Olives, dates, and goats abound,

From the plains to the Galilee,

Such is your ever promised land,

From the River to the Sea.

The blessings of dew and rain will fall,

Nourishing grass and tree,

From the azure sky that shelters you,

From the River to the Sea.

The miracles that I perform for you,

Won’t always be easy to see,

But my hidden gifts will rain upon you,

From the River to the Sea.

Exile may come again at times,

But my love you’ll always be,

The land will yearn and call you back,

From the River to the Sea.

There will be those who call you thieves,

“You took this land from me,”

But it is I who weds you to this land,

From the River to the Sea.

So open your eyes and ears and hearts,

For these things are soon to be,

And treasure your life in the land I love,

From the River to the Sea.

Acharei Mos


Acharei Mos

Like Efraim and Menasheh the two goats stand,

To Aaron’s left hand and his right,

As if blessing his sons this one last time,

In his garments of linen and white.

Yitzchak was offered up at G-d’s command,

But HaShem took a ram in his stead,

Nadav and Abihu brought an offering unwanted,

And God’s fire rendered them dead.

The goats of Yom Kippur that follow herein,

Will atone for our “fire zara”,

Henceforth just these kids, 

Not the children of man,

Shall be chosen to bring kapara.

Shabbos Pesach


Shabbos Pesach

The blood of the korban Pesach,

Fills the saf to the very brim,

And with the azov branches,

We lock ourselves within.

Outside the macah passes us,

The door posts standing guard,

The dom the sign that keeps us in,

The gate securely barred.

Transformed within our chrysalis,

As Yisrael we emerge as one,

On His wings we pass our doors,

With the rising of the sun.




The dove, unbound,


 soared free,

mayim chayim and blood

on her wings.

A voice,


through silence.


once more,

to sing.

Shabbos Chol HaMoed Sukkos