


In Terumah we learned of the Mikdash,

And almost all the kelim,

So now we prepare for the Avodas HaKodesh,

And for that we need Kohanim.

Each Kohen must wear a Ketonet,

Michnasayim, Mitznefet, Avnet,

But Aaron HaKohen must wear four more,

And that makes a total of eight.

Ephod, Choshen, Me’il, and Tzitz,

They must have been heavy to wear,

And also hot in the summer for sure,

Unless stored in a Frigidaire.

The Mizbeach for burning Ketores,

Again is from Atzei Shitim,

Kelim and Kohanium must both have pure hearts,

To serve in the Tent of Meet-in’.

And after a bath, and with oil anointed,

And donning their garments so fine,

They are now ready to light the Tamid,

When Moshe announces “It’s time”.

חג פורים שמח !!!




“Take for Me Terumah”,

If your heart tells you to,

Gold, silver, copper,

Purple and Blue.

But, of all portions 

That the Torah is listin’

The finest of all is

The wood Atzei Shitim.

It’s hard and it’s strong,

And it never will break,

It grows in the desert,

And does not decay.

The Aron, the Shulchan,

Mizbe’ach and more,

The things that we need to last,

From Dor to Dor.

Covered with Gold, or with Copper,

Or not,

“Atzei Shitim Omdim”,

 If it dwells in your heart.




Moshe teaches HaShem’s Mishpatim,

Before he ascends Sinai,

Saying: be careful with your anger,

Or be chayav an eye for an eye,

Treat all people fairly,

And don’t get into fights,

Wait for me here, and behave yourselves,

I’ll be gone 40 days and nights.




When Yisro heard what God had done,

He went to hear it from his “son”,

Though he was just his Chos’in,

He felt he, too, was chosen,

Believing now, that even to him,

HaShem alone was Elokim.
