


You shall not see my face again,

Said Pharaoh in a rage,

Then chased Yisroel to the Sea,

He thought he had them caged.

In fear they called out to HaShem,

But to Moshe they complained,

But God said “Why call out to Me”?

Jump in, or take the blame.

They crossed the sea, their feet stayed dry,

With chariots at their heels,

But God had other plans for them,

Mud clutched Mitzrayim's wheels.

Bnei Yisroel sang a song,

When they reached the other shore,

Prophetic, then, were Pharaoh’s words:

“You shall see me, nevermore”.



G-d commanded to Moshe “Bo”!

Because from Mitzrayim my People must go,

You will lead them as a Goel,

To Eretz Yisroel,

But first I’ll make Pharoah say “No”!



Pharaoh’s heart is as hard as a rock,

But he is in for a very big shock,

Because he has no notion,

That only in Goshen,

Will the plagues not destroy all his stock.



HaShem calls out to Moshe,

From within a burning bush,

And says “Bring them out of Egypt”,

And do it in a rush.

Aaron convinced the Jewses,

But Pharoah he refuses,

So what will happen later?

Wait for Parshas Va'era!




Pharaoh sent wagons, to bring Yaakov down,

And he lived to see Yosef wearing a crown,

He cried no more tears,

For seventeen years,

And the wagons took him home to Canaan.
